Our Training Approach
Alt Consulting provides training on topics necessary to build capabilities and expand capacity of all employees in current positions as well as important to prepare for future roles. Our training services encompass a needs analysis to identify areas for training and then customizing training sessions to meet the needs of the audience. All our sessions are interactive; skill acquisition based, and addresses the needs of all generations found in the current work environment. Whenever possible we identify and measure the ROI of our training programs.
All trainings are customized to your unique culture and desired outcomes.
Building Accountability
Creativity at Work
Communicating for Understanding
Conflict Management
Delegation with Success
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Ethics in the Workplace
Intrapreneurism for engagement
Invest in your Employees with Coaching
Leading with intention
Leading Change Management
Motivating Employees to Higher Performance
Team Skills for Successful Teams
Time Management
Strategic Planning for Greatness